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Teaching children HOW to read and write is necessary, but it's not enough.  Teaching children to LOVE reading and writing is what my job is really about!  In the literacy room we work on skills, but it's embedded in real life activities so they understand the "why" behind the hard work!  This realization is what catapults learning!


Whether we are using a structured phonics program, such as Sonday I and II or REWARDS, Skyping with experts, creating digital books, designing online flyers, learning strategies for reading difficult text,  and engaging in community's all about designing real life learning opportunities that meet individual student needs AND create a need and desire for learning! 

Meet the Literacy Room Staff

Jeri Powers, Reading Specialist

How fortunate am I?  I get to go to a job every day that I love and work with students who brighten my life. 


I always knew I loved working with children, so it was a pretty easy decision to major in elementary education.  I received my bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Kansas, along with a Reading Specialist and English Language Learner certification. Being a stay-at-home mom for 12 years enriched my learning even more as I saw how literacy develops over time.


I've been back at school now for 20+ years, my boys are all grown and living their own lives, while my husband, Mitch, and I are having a great "empty nest" time together!

My family...Brian (far left), business analyst in Denver, me; my husband Mitch;son, David, a special education teacher; and Kyle, supply chain management professional.  

Kelly Milam, Reading Aide

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